SCIENTISTS OF UTP IN BYDGOSZCZ HAVE DEVELOPED A PROTOTYPE OF A SIMPLE LIFE-SAVING VENTILATOR FOR COVID-19 Patients. Design work on a prototype of a simpleventilatorsaving the lives of COVID-19 patientshasbeensuccessfullycompletedat the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz.
The team consisting of UTP employees and representatives of CIMAT, MEDSEVEN, isheaded by – associated with biomedical engineering – prof. Tomasz Topoliński, rector of the UTP. Medicalsupervisionover the worksisperformed by ananaesthesiologist, Dr. Robert Włodarski, MD, Deputy Commander of WSK in Bydgoszcz, whocoordinates the formulation of assumptions and criticalconditionsnecessary for the patient’ssafety, whichmust be met by the design of the ventilator.
The Ministry of Science and HigherEducationexpects the project team to prepare, as soon as possible, the necessarydocumentation and twoworkingprototypes of the ventilator for furtherresearch, includingclinicalones. Thereisstill a lot of workahead of the team, but the firstsuccesses and interest of the Ministry of Science and HigherEducationgiveitsmembersenergy in achieving the most importantgoal – the fight for the health of peopleinfected with coronavirus.