Canes and orthopedic crutches
In the Medseven medical store, we offer a wide selection of different types of crutches. It is one of the basic types of orthopedic equipment. These types of accessories are necessary for many people who have mobility problems due to an injury, accident or simply due to age. There are a number of reasons why you might buy an orthopedic crutch. In our store you will find such crutches or a canes that will be simply the most comfortable for you.
What are the types of crutches?
There are two basic types of crutches: elbow crutches and armpit crutches. Choosing the right type of crutches should depend primarily on the causes of problems with mobility. So it’s best if a specialist helps us choose the right rehabilitation equipment. An orthopedic doctor or physiotherapist will certainly be able to tell us the type of orthopedic crutches that will be most appropriate for our case. The most common type of orthopedic crutches are elbow crutches. Such a choice is related to the fact that elbow crutches relieve the burden of the injured leg much better. Hands in such crutches are placed in the so-called funnels, making these crutches very comfortable for patients.Another type of disability crutches are the armpits crutches. This type of orthopedic equipment is used primarily in situations where the patient has problems with the muscle grip of the upper limbs, and their choice should be considered when it is impossible to use the elbow cruthes.
Our offer also includes orthopedic crutches for children. All crutches and canes we sell have adjustable height.