Orthopedic rehabilitation beds
Orthopedic rehabilitation bedsMedseven in Bydgoszcz, as a reputable orthopedic store, offers a wide selection of various types of rehabilitation beds, i.e. orthopedic beds, which are able to provide maximum comfort to the patient, facilitating the work of medical staff or caregivers.
A wide selection of rehabilitation beds
Rehabilitation beds are products intended for use by sick people. Their task is to provide the person lying on it with maximum comfort and thus avoid the unpleasant consequences of a long stay in a lying position. Orthopedic beds are used both as hospital beds and as home beds by bedridden people who cannot get out of bed as a result of illness, surgery or simply old age.
When choosing a rehabilitation bed suitable for your or your loved ones’ needs, you must first of all pay attention to the fact that it gives him the opportunity to change his position freely. This is very important not only for the patient’s comfort, but also to prevent painful swelling of the legs and bedsores. For this purpose, a special anti-bedsore mattress should be placed on the rehabilitation bed.
New and used orthopedic beds
In our offer you will find a very large selection of rehabilitation beds, also used orthopedic beds, which are characterized by a slightly lower price, so you can choose a more modern bed model with more functions at a much lower price.
Our company also rents rehabilitation beds. It is definitely a better option for patients who need to lie down only temporarily, e.g. as a result of surgery.